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Check high school marks, credits and transcripts with myPass

myPass graphic

myPass is an Alberta Education service that allows high school students to have direct access to their educational information including

  • high school courses and marks
  • diploma exam marks
  • high school credits earned
  • detailed academic history (regardless of school attended)
  • ordering transcripts

Aspen View Schools encourages all Grade 10-12 students to sign up for myPass. Your school office can help you with set-up, some schools are implementing myPass set-up as part of CALM 10, or you can do it yourself online:

Setting up myPass

  • Go to
  • Set up an Education Account or sign in with social login.
  • Enter your Alberta Student Number (shown on all Alberta Education correspondence or available from your school) and date of birth. 

For more information on myPass, visit Alberta Education's myPass resource page, or enquire with your school office.

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